It was one year ago this weekend that my life changed. I was given a 15mp Canon Rebel. I was giddy with excitement from day one...running around the house, the yard, and the neighborhood shooting closeups of anything...closer than any traditional camera had every allowed me to get. A new world opened up to me. On what is our traditional Shutterbug Sunday...I'm sharing with you some of the first pictures I my dog...with a shutter so speedy I captured her mid-lick...
Or the outdoor lights I shot without my camera going into a focusing coma....
Or the series of shots I took of my niece's new kitty exploring a Christmas tree for the first time....taking pictures has never been so fun as the first time I used my brand new REAL camera. Happy Holidays.
Love your pictures of the cat! My whole blog and life changed when my husband bought me my Canon Rebel T1i too. A good camera is a must nowadays. I take it everywhere.