This is a magical time of the year and why not have your pictures reflect that. A great way to create that feeling is by using a star filter. This is a filter that you can attach to your camera lens if you have one of the more fancy shmancy cameras- not a point and shoot digital camera.
Both Crafty Cat and I have Cannon Rebels. Her mom and dad got it for her on Black Friday last year and little did I know- that I would get the same camera on Christmas last year! Cannon really should pay us because we're such huge fans and we tell everyone to buy them.
If you have a camera like we do- look into buying a Star filter. You won't be disappointed! They are so fun to shoot pictures with. The lens has thin lines etched into it in a crisscross manner. When you take a picture of a light source portions of the light streak outward creating a star effect. I used my star filter for the above close-up, for this wide shot and for this shot in front of the Christmas tree.
They cost about $20-$25 dollars and would be a great stocking stuffer for someone who loves photography. If that's you-- there's still time to hint! Or better yet- just send them the link to this post! hehe-- hope you like this post!
Love the post and wondering how you have a $25 filter that I don't.